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Cleopatras Beauty Elixir

Cleopatra, who became the Queen of Egypt in 51 B.C., is credited with first exalting saffron as a beauty ritual and perfume. Per National Geographic, she allegedly bathed in mare's milk infused with the spice, especially before engaging in physical intimacy

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 Treats Acne

One of the most crucial saffron uses for skin is its ability to fight acne and blemishes effectively. This particular spice has been said to have high anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that make it a perfect ingredient to use to treat acne.clear acne-prone skin.

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Heals Scars

It has the ability to treat scars and marks from previous injuries or scratches is one lesser-known advantage of adding saffron to your skincare routine. Saffron can be known to be a skin recovery-promoting agent that encourages the skin to heal from within faster.

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Glowing Skin

Harmful substances in the atmosphere like pollution, quick-changing weather, dust, etc. can affect the skin adversely, making it appear dull and dark on the outside. One of the top saffron benefits for the skin can be its ability to breathe life back into the skin with just a regular application of a concoction of raw milk and saffron threads on the face.

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Anti Ageing

Lastly, saffron being an active ingredient in multiple cosmetic products, along with its ancient roots which can and may make it a strong anti-ageing ingredient. It fights dry skin by giving hydration to the skin cells from within. This in turn makes the skin look fresher and younger, turning your age backwards.

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